Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Psychology of Fear - kids to adult!

After publishing the book (Available at AMAZON now) , writing again blogs. The idea of this came while observing the chaos after the demonetization was announced.

Over the years, I have been noticing how fear has taken over all our life right from childhood. I think everyone will agree that when a child is born, he/she does not have any fears as they get comfort from the mother.

Now the real story starts soon as most parents (atleast in urban areas) start worrying about school admissions for their kids, as young as 18 months old. This fear of not getting admission is slowly passed on to the kid and the focus shifts on - "my infant should get into the best pre-school". The story starts from there.

Slowly this fear grows both in parents and unfortunately in kids – fear of learning fast, fear of losing a race, fear of getting good marks, fear of success, fear of doing good in sports and many extra-curricular activities. Unfortunately, this gets ingrained in the child. This goes in all the phases of school and college education and this is re-inforced by ur education system, which creates a fear of getting good marks than Loving the subjects and learning (though there are few exceptions to this – but its almost negligible percentage).

Then comes the struggle to get the best job which pays well. Again the fear is to get the best and get promoted better than others and Race with others goes on.

The foundation of all this is on Fear – Not on Love. Opposite of fear is love and that’s what is totally missing. This impacts not only the person, but their families, society and the nation.

This is evident in the way people are reacted during de-monetisation to get the money. Even the people who do not really need it were just running in a fear-psychosis that money will finish soon (so no-one truly is bothered about poor or people who are genuinely needing money for survival). This fear leads to chaos and that’s what is evident in current scenario.

Everyone exploits this fear and compounds it.

So in real sense – this fear psychology is exploited by everyone in society in India on a regular basis ; whether its education, its job, its insurance, its police or even religious organizations. No one truly emphasizes in Education the love of learning; no one talks about loving God, no one says that in job success comes if you love your job and work well (with a competition with you and no one else)

So we have to have a surgical strike of managing this fear psychosis – it make take million years by a true government to act on it. But this change can be started by parents in their homes for their families and for their kids ASAP.

Focus should be on LOVE than on FEAR !!