Sunday, April 25, 2021

India - Needing Transformational Change


The focus of my life has always been on creating positivity and positive changes and helping myself and others to believe and practice it.

I always felt India and we Indians need to transform for the better and have been writing about the same for last 12-13 years. Many times it is construed by others as not liking own country and highlighting negatives.

It was felt and assumed that this crisis of Corona will bring positive changes to society and people and there will be transformational changes, not only in India but globally. However....

However, largely we Indians have short memory and we are back to becoming greedy and selfish as soon as things are little better. Being selfish is not wrong for a short-while; however just thinking about Self does not transform societies. When we speak about such behaviors its not claimed and assumed that goodness does not exist in India. Due to the goodness of the positive forces, society is still sustaining itself – otherwise it would have crashed much earlier.

The basic life challenge of AIR, CLEAN WATER and HYGIENIC FOOD has been highlighted earlier in many of my writings and many of experts. Its still not available in NORMAL times in India and the struggle is now much more in CORONA times. Where almost there is civil war to get basic oxygen. This is level 1 of Maslow and we in India have continuous and regular struggle for level 1.

However, during Normal times also – air is one of the most polluted in the world and clean water is luxury of few (someone said next world-war would be for Water) and food is so widely spoilt by chemicals and fertilizers, that more than half of it is at the dangerous level of creating health hazards. These are basic need of human life.

So if development is making more buildings and creating wealth for few and then saying that “India is shining” then it is OK for few more years before which a social revolution will come. Greed of many has been impacting people, society and nation.

We are creating a nation where basic TRUST is lacking between people – farmers do not trust government; common people do not trust each other and government and the overall society has a FEAR of getting more and more for self. TRUST is the basic foundation of any relationship and society and that is lacking and is going down over the years. The basic structure of society is still a challenge.

The people who are our rulers are creating divide and fear among people. The population is ever increasing – adding pressure to infrastructure (health, food etc). However, it’s a vote-bank for the political system, so no action can be taken. The difference between Haves and Have-nots is increasing at a faster pace...

EMPATHY – again a must for a positive society – hardly exists in India. We have lot of sympathy but rarely empathy.

Societal transformation in any country begins with the intent and then planned actions. Despite being an optimist, I do not feel that there will be a great deal of transformation in India at societal or national level. Even the disasters like Corona have been showing the basic structure of Indian societal system.

What we can do – is to do our Karma and keep making small changes in the society around us- beginning with our home and helping our children and children & youth around us to motivate to “make a difference” to others (being selfish to an extent and then helping others).

At this moment, I really wish that everyone is healthy and and is able to make positive change in self and others and GOD help us in this journey.

Positive Society needs:

1. Human Connect and Empathy
4. People doing their own Karma well
5. Compassion
6. Belief in self and others
7. Empathy
8. A desire to make better future for next generations - Sustainability

God bless everyone !