Tuesday, November 19, 2019

India the Golden Bird...! ?

India had been known as a golden bird in past. The main reason was availability of natural resources, which attracted Britishers and others to India in past.

Over the years, things improved by the development phase of the country where emphasis on industry and globalization helped achieve some goals. The primary strength of the country – Agriculture, being ignored by all and now most of the agriculture land is being converted to buildings (mostly where there is no need and oversupply). However, for last 20 years the focus changed and the so-called development is hurting the country, rather than helping.

The challenges which country is facing and will face in near future and which may have wide spread societal impact would include:

  1. Rising Population – and its stressful impact on all infrastructure. Unfortunately, have not heard about any program from government to work in this direction.
  2. Poor quality air, water and basic food
  3. Outdated education system – still focusing on marks and rote learning than skill building
  4. Lots of graduates but missing skills and talent
  5. Rising Personal interests and greed, leading to poor societal values
  6. Increasing gaps between rich and poor
  7. Safety of people
  8. Lack of direction in policies - e.g Ignorance about tourism potential of India as a big industry
  9. Lack of any “nation connect” among citizens – still castes, religion, region, languages being discussed and widely talked about.
  10. Complicated processes to do business and focus on money alone by businesses
  11. Fear among people – one of the biggest reason for the way people behave in general at home, in organizations and in society.
  12. Politics should not enter some basic areas as Education, Sports, Personal choices
These challenges, some of them, might become huge monsters and will reach a point of no return. 

Time to now think seriously and act ! Watching as a spectator will not help.