Saturday, February 23, 2019

Educated vs fearful kids - What are we creating!


As per Wikipedia - Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, Skills, Values, Beliefs and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training and research.

However, the sole purpose of education shifted (at-least in India) to examinations and getting marks. The over-obsessed society built this as the foundation of education – so much so the children in formative years and further are pressured to focus on examinations and passing them.

This goes in the genetic system of the whole education processes and systems – by the time students are in high school they have minimum 5-6 times examinations over a time of 180 study days in a year. There is no focus on learning and enjoying the learning and assimilating it to bring meaning to application of learning in real life. There are pre-boards (2-3 times) and final exams and many tests before the “monstrous board exams”. The phobia of this gets ingrained in each child, parents, family, teachers, schools and society and everyone is just obsessed by ensuring the kids get “good marks” in these examinations.

There are instances where kids start hating subjects like Math, history and many other, just because the way they are taught and tested. The whole focus is on remembering and answering the questions in a set-pattern; rather than actually enjoying the knowledge and learning for life.

Most of the assessments are focused on rote-answers and any individual creativity in answers is not appreciated or encouraged. Neither the teachers, parents and the education community is groomed to identify and build focus on originality and innovation.

In real sense if the sole purpose in India is to pass exams – then there is no need of schools as you can easily pass examinations by studying through google, Khan Academy etc. If the purpose is to get knowledge, then there is so much available online that one can not learn that in whole life.

The real role of schools, to build future youth, who is not only remembering but also capable,  is getting lost – due to this obsession with exams. There is hardly any initiative on building life skills and making them capable and self-confident. More to blame are the parents who pressurize the schools to focus on getting good marks. The whole system creates "robotic kids" - who can just write in the exams of whatever they rote.

The countries and societies where Education is considered as number one (like Finland) look at education in a totally different way of building higher order skills in kids, so that they not only get the knowledge but also build their focus on their own identified passion – where failure is not bad and is a way of improving self.

In real sense – what we need is a “transformation” – in form of Surgical action on education by totally revamping the way we teach; the way we assess and the way we identify potential of each child and help him & her to build that potential than army of engineers and doctors (more than 50% are not even worth employing).

It will take at-least a generation to actually see the results once the surgery is completed. For that we have to move out Education out of Political system and build education through future-minded educators and innovators.

Otherwise it will remain same – as it has remained for last 40-50 years; where we still teach things which hardly has any relevance in real life.

Even the top rated colleges in India are teaching without revamping their curriculum for last 30 years.

It looks that no one “really cares” about real changes in education – because if the people are more self-esteemed then they will not follow ideologies of the political systems and leaders. So they really need scared and fearful people who will always be worried about assessments.

This is so much evident in most of the organizations in the country – where you find feared and scared individuals working and following orders – just to get higher rating (marks) in the annual assessments (where more than 80% of the people conducting assessments do not even have capabilities to conduct proper assessments and understand the real meaning of feedback is for improving oneself).

Lets hope for the best ! Else we have the chalta-hai attitude in any case :-) 

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