Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I love India but…..!

Writing after a long break! Last few months have been enlightening from various respect… Met many interesting people across India; Lot of insights and learning – about Life..

Enjoyed learning about small way people are taking care of environment in places like Jamshedpur; how a person can be so nice in CCD at Kolkata Airport (he replaced the brownie free when it fell down due to my fault), how an executive shared his learning from Premchand books & stories (special mention to story called – "Kafan" – please read if you have not read till now)…

Enjoyed my interactions & learning from these youngsters in Right Management (where I am a freelance consultant)…

Enjoyed interactions with teens and teachers at Assam Valley School...Enjoyed serene Cherapunjee

Enjoy every bit with my kids and wife... (though getting these moments less than planned)


Am still concerned about the way we are being managed by our leaders .. still grains rot but not shared with poor; still we don’t teach or practice humility.. still we are enslaved by today’s leaders (much short of true independence for Indians); still we have such poor infrastructures in “so-called world cities” like Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai etc..; still we don’t want to learn & apply from our own success stories like Surat (finding politics); still we all appreciate & discuss 3 idiots (but at home still shout at kids for getting low marks); still people are not ready to be civic & blame authorities; still everyone drives crazy in Delhi or Bangalore or Kolkata; still people die because of malaria; still we waste so much water; still we don't respect trees; still we are so patient or tolerant of inefficiencies by govt. departments.

Am I a pessimist?? No, I don’t think so..

Yes, I feel concerned - why the educated lot (many near & dear ones) are chasing someone's race and finding happiness in materialistic things… ; Many chasing fast food ; fast life; fast cars; run - run- run...…

Lot of questions… Have few answers and will continue doing whatever I cud… ( I can not remain a mere spectator and wud do whatever way – small or big- to bring joy to others!);

Hey – am not praising myself ; just being happy with myself :-)


1 comment:

  1. Go ahead, Sir! Its always inspiring to read your thoughts...do write more often! Hope the family will get more time than you have planned. That's the right measure of success.


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