Thursday, January 5, 2017

Why people get into Whirlpool and remain on first levels of Maslow Pyramid!

Maslow presented the above Pyramid in 1940s and then did lots of research on it. The first four needs were identified as deficit needs: i.e if the needs are not met, they make us uncomfortable and we work towards fulfilling them.
The last four needs, were named as growth needs.
He also arranged them in a hierarchy such that we are motivated primarily by a need only if lower level needs have been met. Thus, before one is motivated by cognitive or self actualization needs, one should have taken care of basic deficit needs like physiological, security, belonging and esteem. The needs are defined as
1.    Physiological needs: These are the basic animal needs for such things as food, warmth, shelter, sex, water, and other body needs. If one’s basic biological needs are not met, he or she would continue in this level and will not try to move to next one.
2.    Safety needs: Once the physical needs relatively satisfied, the individual’s safety needs take over. These needs have to do with man’s yearning for a predictable, orderly world in which injustice and inconsistency are under control, the familiar frequent, and the unfamiliar rare. This need for consistency, if not satisfied leads to feelings of doubt and shame.
3.    Belonging & Love needs: After physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, the third layer of human needs is social. This psychological aspect of Maslow’s hierarchy involves emotionally-based relationships in general, such as friendship, sexual intimacy and having a supportive and communicative family. If one finds failure in having such close relationships, then they have problems of dealing with others.
4.    Esteem needs: All humans have a need to be respected, to have self-esteem, self-respect, and to respect others.
5.    Cognitive needs: Maslow believed that humans have the need to increase their intelligence and thereby chase knowledge. Cognitive needs is the expression of the natural human need to learn, explore, discover and create to get a better understanding of the world around them.
6.    Aesthetic needs: Based on Maslow’s beliefs, it is stated in the hierarchy that humans need beautiful imagery or something new and aesthetically pleasing to continue up towards Self-Actualization. Humans need to refresh themselves in the presence and beauty of nature while carefully absorbing and observing their surroundings to extract the beauty that the world has to offer.
7.    Self-actualization needs: Self-actualization is the instinctual need of humans to make the most of their abilities and to strive to be the best they can.
8.    Transcendence needs: Maslow later divided the top of the triangle to add self-transcendence which is also sometimes referred to as spiritual needs.

When we look around we find that many of us or for that matter most of us struggle to remain in the whirlpool of first 3 levels at best and rarely we see people who move to level of self-actualization or Transcendence.

Then who or what is to be blamed for this??

On exploration you will realize that the kind of issues and lifestyles we are facing in India; don’t let you move out of the Whirlpool of getting the basics of life – water, air, simple life requirements. Once you move out you face issues such as poor roads, poor traffic, lack of infrastructure, un-civic behavior of people, un-called politics at work-place etc. With this you are always struggling to manage these challenges and get stuck! To add to this is complicated governmental processes and systems of taxation, legal, police and basic life management – so you waste your time here too. In a day - the real productive time is vey less and we are consumed by that. 

So we can blame all factors external to us for our stucked-situation in first few levels of Maslow Pyramid – Answer is NO.

We are also to blame for this – as we are part of this system and society and get entangled in all and do not try to come out. There is fear and then there is a race to get more and not to fall behind in materialistic gains. We fall for greed of many houses, many cars, higher power and many gadgets and then we are stuck forever! Having aspirations and dreams is not bad; but falling in trap of materialistic world, could harm. 

Once you meet people who have moved to level 7 and 8 – you will realize that they are not saints who have given-up everything. They are the one’s who manage self ; rather than being managed by environment or system around us.

Answers to all the issues is known to most of us – but we have a fear to act and during this time moves on and by the time we understand the realities of life – its too late. So its simple – Think and Act !!

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