Sunday, November 20, 2022

Where are we now !


Someone said “Change is the only constant”. Sometimes the purpose of life comes from change – it’s all about the joy and happiness one’s life has brought to self and to others.

The so called development in past so many years have been crazy. Its not to say that the world was better before the advent of social media or the fancy electronic gadgets. I thing its all due to the desire of humans that innovations like these happened. But inspite of these “great innovations” the loneliness in the world has increased drastically. So much so that even people share their feelings and moments just by “emojis”. 

The social media based on psychological human desire to “feel appreciated” has led to complications. The thin line between reality and fake has been diminishing and at times it is giving a false sense of being. The real world and real feelings are not felt or shared.

Friendship is replaced by friends for benefit.

The childhood which was a time to be innocent, enjoy the outdoor games, be free and explore has been taken over by gadgets and TV (with its extremely high and volatile content). Even the parents are providing the gadgets out of peer pressure and whole meaning of childhood fun is getting lost. There is so much pressure of “getting degrees” for kids and children that the real learning is not happening. The kids are just running towards the adulthood and are not getting time to understand “who they are”.

Various studies have shown the dramatic negative effects that excessive use or overdose of social media affects the mental health of users, especially the teenagers who report a rise in the incidence of depression, stress, and anxiety.

Then the rat-race continues till very late in life – when people start asking what’s the purpose of life and wish the time can be reversed.

The relationships are largely impacted that compromise on moral values is considered as fun and normal. The real relationships between friends, spouses and families are deeply impacted. People are just “busy” and not clear on what?

Just read a post by someone who was going for her Kidney transplant operation and she was totally on social media to share her photos and write. The whole purpose of life is becoming over engrossed with fake-ness and the real pleasure of life are coming from unreal things. 

The vacations and holidays are more to compare and post pictures on social media that relax and re-energize. The desire to have more and more is leading to greed and the gap between rich and poor is increasing consistently.

The whole world talks about global warming and environment – but rational individual actions are missing. The challenge of fresh air, water and basic necessity of life is still a challenge. There is lot of sympathy but very rarely empathy.

Although the life expectancy of humans is prolonged but in real terms people are not healthy – issues are both physical, emotional and psychological. The real happiness is getting lost in desires to fulfill as a competition with others.

So is it that the past was much better? I may sound that everything bad is happening. However, the intention is to just re-iterate the facts that sometime and not too late everyone needs to ask “what is the real purpose for us – individually and together” – we owe it to us and to our future generations.

Covid was just one instance of eye-opener for everyone where the struggle was for “living”. Hope we do not forget as the uncertainty of future is always a reality. The loneliness of humanity is increasing so rapidly that world is really facing a big crisis much sooner than people can realize. The political world will always keep normal people busy with issues which are troubling their lives (divide & rule, wars, legalities, scarcities, lies and many more). The change is so rapid

So WHO should start this – it starts with YOU, ME and all of us. It calls for introspection, reflection, thinking and then acting ! and that too immediately.

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